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Lesson 6 /Sending a message to outer space

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف الثامن

Lesson 6 /page 44

Communication Workshop Sending a message to outer space

1.Look at these pictures. What do they show?

a.            b.        c.

The answer: a.NAsa                 b. Gliese           c. Canberra in Australia   

2.Before reading:

Sending a message to outer space


In 1977, two ‘Voyager’ spaceships were launched into space, each one holding a ‘Voyager Golden Record’. Each record was made containing over 100 images and sounds, chosen to represent life on Earth. These include a picture of the human body, Earth’s location in the universe, animal sounds and spoken greetings in 55 different languages.

3.The main ideas :

1.Nasa is one of the most helpful thing that helped many astronomers.

2.There is anothe planet that is similar to Earth , called Gliese.

3. In 2030 they will share poeple's dreams.

4.While reading: 


These are the messages NASA sent to outer space in 1974, 1975 and 1977.

These messages were sent to Gliese 581d, a planet similar to Earth. Gliese 581d is the nearest planet outside the solar system that could support life. Hello from Earth transmitted the messages from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex with the help of NASA. The Australian Science Minister Kim Carr entered the first message to launch the project. His message said: “Hello from Australia on the planet we call Earth. These messages express our people’s dreams for the future. We want to share those dreams with you.” When will the messages arrive in Gliese 581d? They won’t reach it before the year 2030.

5.After reading: 

Exercise 1: The first messages sent to outer space contained the formula for DNA, a diagram of the solar system and pictures of a man and a woman. If we sent a message today, we could make it more complex. Following the Speaking Strategies, work in groups to prepare a short presentation about how you might represent human civilisation. Here are some topics to think about, but you can add others:

● a description of our history and beliefs, life in our cities, country life

 ● a sample of our art, books, music, paintings, films

              ● science discoveries, astronomy, maths, biology, physics

             ● cure for illnesses, medicine

              The answer: Students’ own answers


               Exercise 2: WRITING & SPEAKING

 Prepare spoken greetings that you would like to send into space.            

             The answer : Students’ own answers



Lesson 8


Make a solar system model

Before you start You will need the following objects:

• a round piece of cardboard about 12 cm wide • construction paper of different colours

• scissors

• tape

• string

• pencil, crayons or markers

• a compass

Your task is … To make a solar system model and present it to the class