مدرسة جواكاديمي

هنا يمكنك تصفح مدرسة جو اكاديمي، المنهاج، اسئلة، شروحات، والكثير أيضاً

Module 1 lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6

اللغة الإنجليزية - الصف المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي

Module 1

Lessons 3 and 4

Student’s Book pages 8 and 9



Before reading

1 Do you ever get stressed? What kind of things make you feel stressed?

Yes, I get stressed. Having exams, arriving late, traffic jam, meeting new people and waiting for a long time all these things make me feel stressed.


2 Read about how three people relax or deal with stress. Do you relax in the same ways as any of these people? Discuss with a partner.

I deal with stress by counting to ten, taking a deep breath, doing sports and reciting some verses from the Holy Quraan.



While reading



Zainab: Every time I have exam preparations, I get very stressed and worried. I always wonder whether I will have time to study for all the subjects. I know that I will pass all my exams, as usual, but I always aim at getting high grades. Sometimes the stress that I experience stops me from concentrating on my studies. Mum is very patient with me and she knows very well the kind of stress that I go through before every exam. So she helps me to prepare a well-organised revision timetable, and that makes me feel more confident. I also make sure that I get enough sleep, and I go for a walk every afternoon, which helps me to relax.




Andy: I work in a bank in the City of London. I earn a lot of money and have an interesting job, but sometimes I feel really stressed. I travel to work by train, but it takes three hours every day, which is very exhausting. To forget all the stress of the day, I go running after work. Jogging is a great form of exercise. I immediately stop feeling so tense and begin to relax.



Waleed: I love my job as a doctor! It makes me really happy to see how patients improve, and most of them are very grateful to the hospital staff. Sometimes, though, we have to make difficult decisions about people, which can be very stressful. Stress is something all doctors have to live with. We usually have to work long hours, and sometimes I get upset if a person is very ill. When that happens, I think about all the positive things that have already happened to me that day, and it makes the situation seem a lot better.


The text talks about:

1-Three different people: Zainab, Andy and Waleed.

2-What makes them stressed and worried.

3-How they deal with stress and resolve it.


After reading

What makes Zainab feel stressed and worried?

Having exams.


How does she deal with stress?

Preparing a well-organised revision timetable, getting enough sleep, and going for a walk every afternoon.


What makes Waleed feel stressed and worried?

Making difficult decisions about people, which can be very stressful and working long hours.


How does Waleed deal with stress?

Thinking about all the positive things that have already happened to him that day, and it makes the situation seem a lot better.


How does Andy deal with stress?

Travelling to work by train, it takes three hours every day, which is very exhausting.


How does Andy deal with stress?

Going running after work. Jogging is a great form of exercise. He immediately stops feeling so tense and begin to relax.


Write the ferferences of:

Mum is very patient with me and she knows very well the kind of stress that I go through before every exam. So she helps me to prepare a well-organised revision timetable, and that makes me feel more confident. I also make sure that I get enough sleep, and I go for a walk every afternoon, which helps me to relax.

SHE refers to Zainab's mum.


I work in a bank in the City of London. I earn a lot of money and have an interesting job, but sometimes I feel really stressed. I travel to work by train, but it takes three hours every day, which is very exhausting.

WHICH refers to travelling to work.


When that happens, I think about all the positive things that have already happened to me that day, and it makes the situation seem a lot better.

THAT refers to all the positive things.


TRUE or FALSE and correct the false ones:

1-Sometimes the stress that Zainab experiences doesn't stop her from concentrating on her studies.  FALSE

Sometimes the stress that Zainab experiences stops her from concentrating on her studies.


2-Zainab's mum is very patient with her and she knows very well the kind of stress that she goes through before every exam. TRUE


3-Andy's job is not interesting. FALSE

Andy's job is interesting. 


4-The travel to work by train takes three hours every week. FALSE

The travel to work by train takes three hours every DAY. 


5-Waleed gets upset if a person is not very ill.

Waleed gets upset if a person is very ill.