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Lesson 1 (1+2+3)

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الثاني

Lesson 1 (1+2+3)  PB. Page46+47                                                       Review (مراجعة )


letter football hat pyjamas
Letter Reading   Football, Hat Pyjamas
رسالة  القراءة كرة القدم قبعة  لباس النوم
sunglasses Tennis racquet
cycling Painting Sunglasses Running Tennis racquet
ركوب الدراجة التلوين نظارة شمسية  الركض  مضرب تنس 

Open your Pupil’s Book at page 46

Exercise 1, Listen and point


Open your Pupil’s Book at  page 47

Exercise 2, Listen and say Yes/No


Picture 1  This is for her                  ( هذه لها ) No, this is for him.
Picture 2  This is for him.                   ( هذا له) Yes, this is for him
Picture 3  These are for her.             (هذان لها  ) No, these are for them
Picture 4  These are for me               (  هذه لي ) Yes, these are for me


Exercise 3, Game: Do you like ...?