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Module2/lesson 6,7 and 8

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الثامن

Lesson 6

Communication Workshop

Writing a personal letter

SB page 18


1                                                                                                  Mustafa Deeb

Al Hashemi St.

Irbid Jordan 2

2                                                                                       15 November

3 Dear Ahmad,

4 How are you? How’s your family?

5 I’m very well. My new home is great and my bedroom is really big. I am not sharing my bedroom with my brother Kareem anymore, but we're still spending lots of time together. I also like my new school. It’s very modern and my classmates are OK.

6 I miss you and all my friends from Aqaba. Do you think you can come and visit me in Irbid? We have a guest room, and Mum says it is all right if your parents agree. Please come!

7 Write back soon. I look forward to hearing your news.



Sb page 18/ exercise 1

1 Match each paragraph from the letter above with one of these headings.

a. information about Mustafa’s new life in Irbid

b. the sender’s name and address

c. greeting

d. close e. the date

f. questions about the other person

g. invitation

Answers 1. b; 2. e; 3. c; 4. f; 5. a; 6. g; 7. d


Sb page 18 / exercise 2

2 In pairs, imagine you are now living in different cities. Make notes about your life

● What is your house/school like?

● What are your new friends like?

● Do you miss your old friends?

● Invite your friend to stay.

● In what way is your life different?

Student's own answer.


SB page 18 / exercise 3


3 Write your letter. Tell your friend about the changes in your life. Use Mustafa’s letter to help you.

Student's own answer.


Lesson 7

Language Development

SB page 19 / exercise 1

1 Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Some verb forms might stay the same.

We all know that keeping healthy (1) _________ (not/be) an easy task. However, with a few habit changes, teenagers are able to live a healthy lifestyle. Today, many people (2) _________ (change) their old habits and (3) _________ (replace) them with new, better ones. They (4) _________ (drink) more water and (5) _________ (exercise) more often. It is important to get enough sleep every night, so they make sure to go to bed early. Keeping healthy can be easy if you start by changing one habit at a time. Why (6) _________ (you/not try) some of these changes to become healthier?


1. is not; 2. are changing; 3. replacing; 4. drink; 5. exercise; 6. don’t you try


SB page 19/ exercise2

*To remind you:

Simple present and present continuous

Simple present:

(+) Sub + v(base)/ vs/es) + C

(-) Sub+ don't /doesn't+ v(base) +C

(?) Do/Does+sub+  v(bsae)+C?


present continuous:

(+) Sub + is/am/are+ v(ing) +C.

(-) Sub+ isn't /am not / aren't + v(ing).

(?) IS /Am / Are + sub+ v(ing)+C?

                                           I jump.                                 I am jumping.

Negative:                    I do not jump.                           I am not jumping.

Interrogative:           Do I jump?                                   Am I jumping?

3 Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form (-) or in the interrogative form (?) as indicated.

1. Sage is one of the most common medical herbs in Jordan. (?)

2. Jordanian and Arab poets compete to win the “Arar Literary Award”. (-)

3. I’m living with the Nyangatom tribe in Ethiopia. (-)

4. The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) helps countries in need around the world. (?)

5. Writers are presenting new stories and ideas to people through their craft. (-)

6. An explorer learns a lot about different cultures around the world. (?)


1. Interrogative:Is sage one of the most common medical herbs in Jordan?

2. Negative: Jordanian and Arab poets do not compete to win the “Arar Literary Award”.

3. Negative: I’m not living with the Nyangatom tribe in Ethiopia.

4. Interrogative: Does the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) help countries in need around the world?

5. Negative: Writers are not presenting new stories and ideas to people through their craft.

6. Interrogative: Does an explorer learn a lot about different cultures around the world?


SB page 19/ exercise 4

4 Use these words to write defi nitions.

1. such as / for / Animals / or / meat / kept / milk / cows / , /

2. to / something / ability / well / The / do

3. with / lot / who / works / Someone / of / a / effort

4. things / other / special / different / qualities / Having / from

5. group / people / live / A / who / of / together / the same / and / have / language

6. in / order / a / win / in / participate / to / competition / something / To


1. Animals such as cows, kept for milk or meat

2. The ability to do something well

3. Someone who works with a lot of effort

4. Having special qualities different from other things

5. A group of people who live together and have the same language

6. To participate in a competition in order to win something


SB page 19 / exercise 5

5 Match the following words with the definitions above.

a. skill                      d. hard-working

b. distinctive          e. cattle

c. to compete         f. tribe

Answers a. 2; b. 4; c. 6; d. 3; e. 1; f. 5


SB page 20 

Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. to continue to exist

2. any plant that is grown by farmers to be used as food

3. something you succeed in by your own efforts

4. belonging to a traditional style

Down 5. the grain that bread is made from

6. to give someone a positive feeling that they can do something

7. to tell stories

8. having a special quality or character


Across 1. remain 2. crop 3. achievement 4. classical

Down 5. wheat 6. inspire 7. storytelling 8. distinctive


Lesson 8


Children from different cultures

SB page 21

A lot of people live in the Amazon rainforest. They hunt and grow bananas and rice.


Amazon children can fish and hunt. They don’t go to a playground for fun. They play in the forest, in rivers and streams.


Amazon children don’t watch TV, they don’t use the Internet and they don’t play video games, but they do play with friends and go to school.

Before you start Read the information about Amazon children

Your task is … To write a report on children from a different culture and give a presentation

  1. A Your first assignment In pairs:

• choose a region where indigenous people live. It can be a rainforest, the Arctic Circle or a desert. Read about it and answer the following questions:

1. What is the region?

2. Who lives in the region?

3. What do they do? Do they hunt? Do they grow crops? What do they grow?

4. What do you do that the children in this region also do?

5. What do you do that they don’t do?

6. Where do they play?

B Your second assignment •

Write your report following the outline in the first assignment.

• Use this report as an example.

• Find pictures and a map of the region.

Present your information to your friends.