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Module 2/ The Imperative (affirmative and negative)

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade السابع

Module 2

The Imperative (affirmative and negative)

Affirmative imperatives are used to motivate or force someone to do something while negative imperatives are used to prevent someone from doing something.


1. Play out!  

2. Speak up please! 

3. Do your homework. 


*To prevent someone from doing something, we add (Don't)

1. Don't run fast

2. Don't open this door

3.Don't smoke in the car.


SB page  19/ exercise 1

1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Walk / turns / plant /Don't play / take / start

(1) Walk or (2) _______ the bus to school.   

(3) _______ off the water while you brush your teeth.  

(4) _______ video games all the time.  

(5) _______ trees or (6) _______ a vegetable garden.  

Answers; 1. Walk; 2. take; 3. Turn; 4. Don’t play; 5. Plant; 6. start


SB page 19 / exercise 2

Write sentences (a) and (b) in the corresponding column. Then add more examples of instructions from the text on page 18. Work in pairs.


a. negative; b. affirmative

Affirmative: Walk or take the bus to school; Reuse and recycle paper, glass, plastic and aluminium; Turn off the water; Turn off the lights; Plant trees or start a vegetable garden; Wear cool clothes in summer and turn down the air conditioning; In winter, wear warm clothes and turn down the heating.

Negative: Don’t play video games all the time.


SB page 19 / exercise 3

Complete this dialogue with the verbs in the correct form of the imperative.

Get / wallk / don't throw / reuse / turn / Don't have

Hisham: OK! Global warming is a big problem. But what can we do about it?

Nawal: We can do a lot! For example: (1) Get up at 6 o’clock instead of 7 and (2) _______ to school! Don't go by car.

Hisham: You’re crazy!

Nawal: Of course I'm not! And we must save water, so have a shower. (3) _______ a bath.

Hisham: Well. That sounds OK. And what about brushing my teeth? Nawal: Brush your teeth, but (4) _______ off the water while you brush them. And (5) _______ away paper or plastic!

Hisham: What do you mean? I can’t use old paper! I can’t use old plastic cups!

Nawal: Of course you can! (6) _______ them!

Answers: 1. Get; 2. walk; 3. Don’t have; 4. turn; 5. don’t throw; 6. Reuse


The Present Simple with adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency are often used to indicate routine or repeated activities, so they are often used with the present simple tense. 

If a sentence has only one verb, place the adverb of frequency in the middle of the sentence so that it is positioned after the subject but before the verb.

For example: Tom never flies.

*We make question by using (How often)

Form :

How often + do / does+ subject + v (base) + C?

How often do you read novels?

I often read novels . / I read novels twice a week.


How often does Sam go to school?

He usually goes to school.



SB page 20 / exercise 5

In groups of fi ve, read this questionnaire and write down your answers

Student's own answers.


SB page 20 / exercise 6

Now complete the table below with the adverbs always, sometimes or never.

How often do you …

I ______________ turn off the water while I brush my teeth

I ______________ walk to school.

My family ______________ recycle or reuse paper cups and supermarket bags.

My brother/sister ______________ uses a bicycle to come to school.

I ______________ turn off the lights when I leave a room.

Students’ own answers


SB page 20 / exercise 7

▼ Over to you . . .

7 Work in pairs. Go back to pages 18 and 19 and make a list of actions we can do to fi ght global warming. Then ask questions in pairs with How often do you … ?


A:How often do you turn off the computer?

B: I always do.


Answers may include the following ways to slow down global warming: • walking to school • saving water (turning off the water while brushing, having a quicker shower …) • adjusting the thermostat temperature of water heaters and air conditioning systems according to the season • recycling plastic and paper.
