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اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade الرابع

Unit 15 (What time did you arrive?)

Pupil’s book page 62 ex.4 (read and answer)

The Nabateans lived in Petra a long time ago. They travelled into the canyon. They liked the canyon and they decided to make a city. Some Nabateans lived in caves. They carved tunnels to carry water, they carved buildings and a theatre into the rocks. 

Kareem and Samira

Pre reading questions

1-Who wrote the letter? Kareem and Samira

2-Who built Petra? The Nabateans

While reading questions

1-Who lived in Petra a long time ago? The Nabateans.

2-Did the Nabateans like the canyon? Yes, they did.

3-What did they decide? They decided to make a city

4-Why did they carve tunnels? to carry water

5-Is Petra a famous city? Yes, it is

Post reading questions

1-Name some famous places in Jordan

Jerash, Umm Qais, Wadi Rum…….