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Unit 1 lesson 1

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي

Module 2

Unit 1

Lesson 1

Student’s Book pages 14-15


Celebrations around the world

Before you begin

1 Look at the photographs. What can you see? 

SB 14


I can see the theatre in Jerash in picture one, and in picture two I can see girls wearing their national costumes.


2 DW Read the words in the box. Make groups of adjectives, nouns and verbs. Are there any words below that can be all three? Use the Activity Book glossary or a dictionary to help you.

charm     cherish     dazzling      embellished       floodlit        herald honour     host    

one-of-a-kind      scorched        stage      stroll       troupe        wares          




Verbs: host, honour, stroll, stage, herald, charm, cherish

Nouns: host, honour, troupe, stroll, wares, stage, herald, charm

Adjectives: one-of-a-kind, world-renowned, floodlit, dazzling, scorched, embellished


The key words

The word / phrase

The meaning

The part of speech


a special quality someone or something has that makes people like them



to regard someone or something very important to you



very impressive and attractive






surrounded by a very bright light so that people can see at night



to be a sign of something that is going to come or happen soon



to feel very proud and pleased with something



a male person who has invited guests and who provides the food, drinks, etc.



unique and completely different from anyone or anything else



very hot



to walk slowly in a relaxed way



a group of singers, actors or dancers who work together



articles and products for sale



known and admired by a lot of people around the world



While reading

If you’re looking for a holiday with a difference, why not escape to these one-of-a-kind festivals in the Middle East? You won’t be disappointed!

A  At the end of July every year, Jerash hosts the world-renowned Jerash International Festival. The majestic stones of the ancient city provide a dramatic setting for performances by some of the greatest stars of the Arab and Western worlds. The festival honours the 2,000-year-old history of Jerash by staging a huge variety of entertainment. You’ll see singers, dance troupes, orchestras, theatre and art shows, and, of course, plenty of attractions especially for children. As you stroll around the floodlit plazas, you will absorb the atmosphere of the awe-inspiring architecture or simply enjoy a quiet meal and watch skilled craftsmen creating their wares. You’re going to cherish your memories of this truly remarkable event.

Book a family holiday you’ll never forget in Jerash, Jordan!

B   If you are into festivals that celebrate the seasons, then this one is for you! The Hala February Festival is a dazzling celebration that heralds the arrival of spring in Kuwait. You’ll see the surrounding desert transformed from scorched sands to a green canopy of vibrant flora. The arrival of migratory birds and animals adds extra colour to the charm of Hala February Festival. The main attraction is an elaborate procession. Marching bands play, floats drive past, dancers enchant in embellished costumes, and the crowd – that means you! – cheers with the utmost enthusiasm as they witness this spectacle.

You’re going to experience the joy and delight of springtime. Book a holiday to Kuwait for Hala February Festival now!

Join the thousands of people who are spending their holiday at festivals this year. Celebrate in the Middle East.


 The text talks about:

- Celebrations around the world.

- The importance of Jerash International Festival and The Hala February Festival.

- Celebrations that attract different types of people.



After reading

What celebrations are mentioned in the text?

Jerash International Festival and The Hala February Festival.


Fill in the table:






Jerash International Festival

At the end of July every year


You’ll see singers, dance troupes, orchestras, theatre and art shows, and, of course, plenty of attractions especially for children. As you stroll around the floodlit plazas, you will absorb the atmosphere of the awe-inspiring architecture or simply enjoy a quiet meal and watch skilled craftsmen creating their wares. You’re going to cherish your memories of this truly remarkable event.

The festival honours the 2,000-year-old history of Jerash by staging a huge variety of entertainment.

The Hala February Festival



You’ll see the surrounding desert transformed from scorched sands to a green canopy of vibrant flora. The arrival of migratory birds and animals adds extra colour to the charm of Hala February Festival. The main attraction is an elaborate procession. Marching bands play, floats drive past, dancers enchant in embellished costumes, and the crowd – that means you!

heralds the arrival of spring


Write the correct word under each picture:

one of a kind        festival      honour

                           one-of-a-kind                                                                  floodlit                                                                          honour



          troupe     embellished  

                                 wares                                                                                            troupe                                           embellished