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Unit 3 lesson 1

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي




Module 3


Unit 3

Lesson 1

Student’s Book pages 28 - 29


The Olympic Games

sb 28

Before you begin

1 Look at the pictures and guess the sports.


Paralympic Games


The key words

sb 28        sb 28     

                    athletics                                                                 basketball                                                                                        cycling


sb 28      sb 28          sb 28

                           rowing                                                         rugby                                                                             sailing



While reading

The largest sporting events in the world today are the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, which are held regularly and watched on television by millions of people around the world. The next largest sporting events are the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games.


The first athletic event that was organised specifically for disabled athletes took place in 1948 CE. A sports competition was organised for British ex-soldiers who had disabling injuries. It was believed that they could be helped to get well again, and be given more confidence by taking an active part in sport. The event took place on the day that the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, England, opened. At that time, the Games were called the 1948 International Wheelchair Games.


Four years later, in 1952 CE, 130 athletes were invited to take part. The first Summer Paralympic Games were held in Rome, Italy, in 1960 CE.


In 1976 CE, the Winter Paralympic Games became a major event on the sporting calendar, when they were hosted for the first time by Sweden.


At first, only wheelchair athletes could take part in the Paralympics, but now there are other categories of disability, including one for people with visual disabilities. The Paralympics are scheduled to take place every four years, and it is arranged that the Winter games occur two years after the Summer games. The Summer programme now includes more sports than the first games, among them athletics, basketball, cycling, rugby, tennis and sailing. Rowing is the newest sport on the Paralympic programme, and e certainly more sports will be added to the list in future.

 The text talks about:

- A sports competition organised for disabled athletes.

- How often the Paralympic Games take place.

- The sports that are part of the Paralympic Games.


After reading

*Paragraph 1

1-The largest sporting events in the world are




the Summer and Winter Olympic Games

2 the next largest sporting events are the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games

 2-How often are they held? 

They are held regularly / every four years.


*Paragraph 2

3-The first athletic event was organised for disabled athletes.

It took place in 1948 CE.



4-A sports competition was organised for British ex-soldiers who had disabling injuries.


5-Why? It was believed that they could be helped to get well again, and be given more confidence by taking an active part in sport.


6-It took place on the day that the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, England.


7-What were the Games called?

The Games were called the 1948 International Wheelchair Games.



*Paragraph 3

8-How many athletes were invited to participate? When?

In 1952 CE, 130 athletes were invited to take part.


9-When were the first Summer Paralympic Games held and where?

The first Summer Paralympic Games were held in Rome, Italy, in 1960 CE.



*Paragraph 4

                                    10-The Winter Paralympic Games



-became a major event on the sporting calendar


-when in 1976 CE

-where in Sweden





*Paragraph 5



                                             11-The Paralympics

a-At first only wheelchair athletes could take part.      b–now there are other categories of disability, including one for people with visual disabilities.

c-take place every four years.      

d-it is arranged it is arranged that the Winter games occur two years after the Summer games.

12- The Summer programme includes more sports than the first games, among them athletics, basketball, cycling, rugby, tennis and sailing.


-Rowing is the newest sport.



-a non-defining relative clause 

The largest sporting events in the world today are the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, which are held regularly and watched on television by millions of people around the world. 


-a past simple passive 


130 athletes were invited

-a present simple passive


The Paralympics are scheduled

-a future simple passive


More sports will be added