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Unit 6 /The Present continuous

اللغة الإنجليزية - Grade السابع

Unit 6

The Present continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about:

  • activities at the moment of speaking:
  • Form: Sub + is/am/are +v(ing) + c
  • I : am + v( ing)
  • he ,she it: is + v(ing)
  • they , we , you : are+v (ing)

I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour.
Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.

The children are growing up quickly.
The climate is changing rapidly.
Your English is improving.

The present continuous (sometimes called the present progressive) tense in English is really easy to make and is the same for all verbs. We make it using the present simple of 'be' + verb-ing:


*Negative form:

Subject + to be + not + [verb + -ing] + …

  1. he isn’t watching TV at the moment.
  2. 2. I‘m not using the dictionary.
  3. I‘m not working this weekend.
  4. 4.She isn’t going to school next week. 
  5. I’m not getting better at English.
  6. 6.They‘re not improving the situation.
  7. \


*Question form:

Is/Am/ Are + sub + v (ing ) C.